13/11 - FAREWELL
Since the SC has finished, the two selective classes of THS went out for a farewell outing especially organised for the people who are leaving next year (including me).
I turned up a little later than usual and something unfortunate happened at Central station so everyone had to wait for me in order to start laser tag. *SORRY! m(_ _)m
I was part of the YELLOW team (with Jessica, Janet & Michelle) in laser tag (at Harbourside) and my codename was Eclipse; reminds me of that mint I used to buy all the time ~
Unfortunately during the game, all the guys ganged up on me..and I was running around in heels.. so I ended up dying all the time.
In the end, I came 3rd last ~ *fumes (,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:!!
BUT one good thing was I kept killing the only other "white boy" (since all of us were Asians except Jeremy) in the game. AHAHHA ! ( ´ ▽ ` )
here's the score board ~
After laser tag, Janet and I walked off to shop a little and by the time we returned, everyone was gone.
Apparently they went to Pizza Hut for buffet. Janet and I decided we would go somewhere else for lunch and we ended up at Poporo at Market City.
We had some chicken teriyaki set and it was very nice. I really liked the atmosphere and the furniture designs. - Highly recommended place to have your lunch at ~
LUNCH : ❤❤❤❤
Something that made me laugh while we were having lunch was that a Korean couple behind us were talking about something and Janet quietly told me whatever they were talking about was very inappropriate.
Janet then said : "I'll tell you after we eat"
The first thing that came in my mind was : "Are they talking about poop?"
She then said : "no, they're talking about farting.."
I just randomly cracked up laughing. How embarrassing ~ (>。≪)
Anyways after lunch, we went to look for a new battery for my phone.
We found one not long after and we also bought a matching couple charm for both of our phones - as a joke/for fun
It has a ring and a cross the the middle with a boy/girl attached to the ring. and if you put the boy and girl together, they kiss ! ❤
I mixed them in my hands and hid them behind my back for Janet to pick since we couldn't decide who should take which. Janet went for the one in my left hand (she said she picked it because she was left handed. (。_。)) and it turned out to be the guy. So I was stuck with the girl charm ~
The other charm is the POPOBE bear Michael bought me when we were at City. ( ´∀`)
That basically ended my supposedly "farewell" day. I spent over $100AUD on ..
I can't really remember what! (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)
I'm going to be working from 1pm-5pm @ FORCAST inside WORLDSQUARE ~
See you there. (^_-)☆
I'm FREE for the rest of the year! YAY! ( ^ _ ^)∠☆This is mainly because School Certificate (SC) is officially over and it'll never come back to haunt me again ~
AND that also means I have just done the last History & Geography exams in my life! HOORAH! ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ
However, other than this giddiness I feel from accomplishing SC, I have been feeling somewhat unlucky as our year has been the last to miss out on most things. Some examples:
1. We have JUST missed out on the free laptops for students - they started giving them out to kids in yr9 right after we finished yr9
2. We're the last year to do the School Certificate as kids after us don't ever have to do it again ~
3. We were the first year to do all the "NAPLAN" exams and other newly distributed exams
Just these mere reasons has thrown me off the hook... I don't know.. I just feel that it's quite unfair. *sighs
I mean I know those things don't mean much, and the years before us had to go through with it as well.. but to always miss out is just not a very nice feeling.
Overall the exam was a joke. (to me)
But kids were complaining about how some things weren't even mentioned in the test and they studied a whole night on it. And for some of the things that were tested, students didn't have the time to study for because they thought it wasn't going to be in the exam - eg. Ecological sustainability (sounds familiar? ha! yeah.. most of my friends from tuition class complained about that question. How it wasn't the typical "geological sustainability" questions like the ones in the past papers.)
One of my friends also missed 2 pages in the mathematics section. Poor dear...
If that happened to me, I would have stabbed myself. (no it's not simply because I'm Asian.)
OH! I have also recently received a DOMOKUN from my brother.
It's so adorable! *lol
It smells nice as well.. and it was imported from Japan! *squeals
ANYWAYS HAVE A NICE DAY and off to sleep for me!
Labels: school
3rd of NOV. Last month of spring. Nearly summer.AND it's HOT AS HELL !
It was over 37'C when I checked with my friend Janet (on her mobile internet) as I was having lunch at school...
And an additional of Hot Wind.. (is that what you call it?) My bad. I meant Heat Wave.
Anyways to conquer this heat, I relied on my trusty 王老吉 (Wong Lo Kat Herbal Tea) straight from the fridge. ( ̄▽ ̄)
But this was after I came home from tuition class, at like 9:30pm.
Before tuition class though, I went to Passionflower (at city) with Janet to have a nice serve of SUNDAE.
We ordered something called 'Lasting Luv' ; $14AUD.
Too bad my phone ran out of battery.. so i couldn't take a photo of it. ( ̄ー ̄)
But it basically looked like this:
*Also explaination in image

Not the best icecream I've had for the cost of $14AUD.
But the crepes there are pretty nice.
It's officially Halloween in the US today ! HOORAH ~ But since I'm in Australia, I'm actually 1 day late (it's now the 1st Nov) and.. we DO NOT celebrate it here.
( ̄~ ̄;)
Yes I know it's sad.. but hey what can I do..
Trick or treating sounds so awesome! I would wanna try it at least once in my life..
and wouldn't it be funky to just go around dressing up and no one would give you the dirties for wearing something strange ~
*sigh .. (*´ο`*)=3
HOWEVER ! Even though I can't experience the real thing, I'm still spending my halloween on Gaiaonline with all the wonderful US people ~ *thank god for all the halloween events*
arrrr internet lets you do so many impossible things. 八(^□^*)
hmm .. if you have a gaia acc then i'll meet you there!