3rd of NOV. Last month of spring. Nearly summer.AND it's HOT AS HELL !
It was over 37'C when I checked with my friend Janet (on her mobile internet) as I was having lunch at school...
And an additional of Hot Wind.. (is that what you call it?) My bad. I meant Heat Wave.
Anyways to conquer this heat, I relied on my trusty 王老吉 (Wong Lo Kat Herbal Tea) straight from the fridge. ( ̄▽ ̄)
But this was after I came home from tuition class, at like 9:30pm.
Before tuition class though, I went to Passionflower (at city) with Janet to have a nice serve of SUNDAE.
We ordered something called 'Lasting Luv' ; $14AUD.
Too bad my phone ran out of battery.. so i couldn't take a photo of it. ( ̄ー ̄)
But it basically looked like this:
*Also explaination in image

Not the best icecream I've had for the cost of $14AUD.
But the crepes there are pretty nice.