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 Chilly Weather ~
Tomorrow is April Fools Day and officially the last day of term 1.
Also on this same day, I am going to drop Physics in exchange for Legal Studies! Because I just cannot stand my physics teacher's attitude and his way of teaching anymore. 
However since one term has passed, I'll have to catch up on three chapters of legal studies work during the two week holidays ~ Oh the joy...


TERM ONE EXAMS ARE ALL OVER ! so I can relax a bit and not go crying in a hole because of overstressing ~
I have also received my student ID card today. I look stoned.


awful awful ~~ I just hate school photos. -o-;;

It's been raining for the past two days in Sydney as well.. even though it was so hot last week.
Now it's extremely chilly. Well for me anyways, since I cannot stand the cold.
My nails literally turn purple when I get cold.. Is that normal? o.o;

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"Chilly Weather ~" was Posted On: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 @11:26 PM | 2 lovely comments
I've officially cut my hair short yesterday.
The main reason for this was because the condition of my hair was just really awful.
All the hair dye, heat tools as well as the occasional chemical perms and such has taken a toll on my hair ~ 
It basically feels like hay if I don't apply a sh*tload of treatment every time I wash my hair. ☆⌒(>。≪)
So for the sake of it all, I decided to chop it all off!


I haven't had short hair since.. year 3 so it's really a change for me.
Most of my friends now (probably all) haven't seen me with short hair so it'd be surprising to see their reactions. ( ´∀`)

My brothers said they liked me with long hair more.. but mainly because they haven't really seen me with short hair so it's strange for them. They also said it makes me look older...(  ゚,_ゝ゚)
A salon lady once told me that short hair's supposed to make you look younger; but then again, my birthday was just recently so it's probably better now that I am looking a little more mature and catching up with age, yes?(・ω・`)

~~ currently: loving the fact that holidays are just around the corner.. (4 more days!)


"SHORT HAIR?" was Posted On: Sunday, March 28, 2010 @7:33 PM | 0 lovely comments
I walked 10km today ..
for the school's annual walkathon ..
a fundraising event for the SRC department...

when I arrived at the check point,
I just I ran out to the beach and played.
It was very hot indeed.
I am now very very tired ~ (´~`)

the long walk.


"Walkathon?" was Posted On: Friday, March 26, 2010 @9:07 PM | 0 lovely comments
The day began with all of us asians (+ zahav) meeting up and going to Norita Cafe.
Surprisingly, it's owned by the dad of one of the girls in our grade at school, Grace Kim.
What seemed like a shifty entrance, led us to a really funky room with a few couches and tables.
The main reason why I chose to visit this place first was because I wanted to "break the ice" between all the people that were invited since many of them didn't know each other.
We took over the three center tables and played Jenga. There was also a rule where everyone had to order a drink and so we had to order twelve drinks in total ~
Altogether we paid around $90.

credit: Thanks Edward Zheng for taking the photos
left - entrance ; right - jenga game with Zahav and Jenny

We then set off to BigEcho for karaoke.
I like how the place has four microphones. And since it was HAPPY HOUR, we only had to pay $12 each for three hours, plus an additional free drink!
While some were off with their singalongs, the people that weren't singing played the classic game of dice dare! Many funny things happened in during that time, and whatever happened in there will only stay in there and never be told (eg. Winston getting a lapdance? Me stealing Jenny's first kiss? hahah)

credit: Thanks Edward Zheng for taking the photos
left - the room ; right - Me and Raymond.L

After Karaoke, it was finally dinnertime at Shinara Grill and Lounge.
I have to admit, this place is AMAZING.
highly recommended~ service was great, food was awesome and the atmosphere and design of the whole place was just perfect!
The waitresses and waiters were very friendly and one of the girls who worked there was extremely nice to us. She was so cute~~
And even though the food was served in small portions, you can always order more so that wasn't a problem at all.
In total, we paid $480 for 16 people. That was pretty neat.

left - clean table ; right - Me, Vicki & Cici

That basically concluded the day.
We were about to go out to late dessert houses, but we were all so stuffed that it didn't really matter anymore.
And thus, we parted ways and took the late night train home to get some good'ole sleep ~

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"BIRTHDAY OUTINGGG ~" was Posted On: Saturday, March 20, 2010 @11:56 PM | 0 lovely comments
LOL this is sad....

anyways it's officially the 19th.
How nice.
I'm now 1 year older.
Just hope the day goes well.

I also don't have school today as we have a chemistry excursion.
I bet the science staffroom chose this date to go on an excursion just for me.
I know it's ridiculous but it's a nice thought ~~


 thank you Damian Lam for the Swarovski bracelet ~

 thankyou Jonathan Yau, Victor Lee, Edward Zheng for the Morning Glory items ~

 thankyou Janet Yi, Connie Li, Karin Ching, Jessica Ma for the Mossimo bra and bow belt ~

 thankyou Vicky Meng for the FCUK perfume ~

 thankyou Xudong Zhang for the BonBon chocolates ~

 thankyou Damo Yu, Catherine Zhang, Mish Lu, Mish Liang for the Givenchi perfume set ~

 thankyou Victoria Dang, Kimmy Su and my two brothers for the Swarovski keychain ~

 thankyou Jenna Sunardi for the Portmans scarf and earings ~


"ANOTHER YR OLDER!" was Posted On: Friday, March 19, 2010 @12:01 AM | 2 lovely comments

Today was Connie and Gerald's sweet 16 outing and it was a BLAST !
Overall it was just 3hrs at CEO Karaoke with a bunch of friends and loud blast of music, but in between all the tone death singing and such, there were little naughty games being played.
Yes, unfortunately I have to admit, I was part of it. Since not everyone can sing a whole row of songs at the same time, some of us who weren't singing those certain songs had to entertain ourselves with whatever the hell was in the room for the remaining 3hrs.
And so I found a dice and we started to dare whoever rolled whatever number to do stuff. The worst thing I had to do was "hump" some guy I didn't know against the wall.. *which I didn't literally do, of course* but the person who I felt sorry for was Renae, because she had to kiss Gerald twice..
I also got bitten on the nose twice and had to bite someone on the ear. I also had to kiss Jess, which wasn't a bad experience I must say.
The day ended with us leaving CEO and going to CHATIME to get ourselves some freshly brewed Asian tea. Then we parted ways and caught the train home...

I'm now just drinking a cup of hot tea with little treats on the side, while trying to finish my stack of work that's all due tomorrow. And also study for my upcoming chemistry and tutor economics exam ~
oh the joy of being a senior student  ~~

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"KARAOKE WITH A TWIST ~" was Posted On: Sunday, March 14, 2010 @7:06 PM | 0 lovely comments
I'm still unhappy about my Ext Maths Exam...
So I went out to Gloria Jeans today just to calm myself.. and think everything through~
I really have a thing for coffee shops .. something about the place just makes me feel like a complete person.
The aroma, atmosphere, music, coffee.. the list goes on and on ~~

Today I ordered an Ice Cappuccino with whipped cream..
It's very fattening I know.. but I just needed some sweetness in my life to cheer me up.

Also I bought myself a pair of new flats.. it wasn't considered retail therapy or anything~
I don't impulse buy.. it's just that my other pair looks like it's gonna fall apart so I seriously needed a new pair of flat shoes ~

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"UNHAPPY = COFFEE SHOP THERAPY" was Posted On: Saturday, March 13, 2010 @5:28 PM | 0 lovely comments
 sunny day, sick me ~
We had Mufti Day, Crazy Hair Day and sponsoring the World's Greatest Shave today, in order to fund raise for the school and the leukemia foundation. I'm guessing we raised over $1000? Good job guys!
I also had my Ext Maths exam today and it was absolutely, horrible.
This was mainly due to the fact that I was extremely sick with a case of bad cold. I finished half of the paper and just couldn't stand my sneezing and blurry vision anymore.. so I just walked out of the exam room and went sick bay. Now I can't redo the test cause I saw the paper ~~
I even stayed up all night studying for it...  This exam also had a weighing of 20%..


Anyways I'm going to take some medicine and go take a nap since I have literally been awake for the past 48hr+ ~

Oh the weekends...

-- this was meant to be posted up on the 12/03 but my net died while I was typing it up.. so here it is.

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"sunny day, sick me ~" was Posted @11:07 AM | 0 lovely comments
now I can eat, drink, talk, sleep again! (:
During the past 2-3 days while I was unable to eat solid food, I lost more than 2kg.
is that a good or bad thing?

mmm.. I've also had a really unproductive weekend..
I was meant to study for the upcoming maths exam and write my commentary on the novel we're currently studying about in English.
But instead I ended up reading Manga and watching you tube.
OH how horrible... I just know i'm putting more pressure on myself through procrastination. T~T;

And I was also meant to go watch Alice In Wonderland with David and the boys today (his reason was so that it'd feel less like a sausage fest), but I slept in so...
I'M VERY SORRY !  -- I wanted to watch it very very much though.

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"BYEBYE ULCER !" was Posted On: Sunday, March 7, 2010 @8:57 PM | 0 lovely comments
 "Tilt your head up a little"
I had my school photos today and every year, it's the same horrible experience ~
I don't know why but the photographers always say to me: "tilt your chin up"
But when I get my photos back, it almost looks like I was straining to look at the ceiling.
(  ゚_ゝ゚)

Overall, I know it's going to turn out really awful, so I hope I never get my photos back.
oh~ don't you just LOVEEEE school photos? (`ー´)

Something very funny also happened while I was waiting for my photo to be taken ;;
I just walked into the toilets, and the whole bathroom was just full of girls fighting for a spot at the mirrors - of course to put makeup on and check on their hair etcetc....
All I ended up doing was walking out and start cracking up ~ Because you don't usually get that in co-ed schools.
ironic isn't it? (*^^)

Also, I have recently gotten myself a little infection on my tongue.
Now I can't eat, drink and speak properly.
OUCH.  (。_゜)〃

mood : in pain ~~ ☆⌒(>。≪)

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""Tilt your head up a little"" was Posted On: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 @5:50 PM | 2 lovely comments
(_ _)ヾ(‘ロ‘)
This insomnia is killing me...

"五。 四。 三。 二。 一。。。 你没有迟到,是我没有勇气等你。"
~ just something that popped up in my head while I was reading..

mood : sleepy but can't sleep...(*゜Д゜*)
"睡不着·睡不好·睡不醒" was Posted On: Monday, March 1, 2010 @12:09 AM | 0 lovely comments

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